Organizational Improvement

Published ON
February 16, 2023
Achieving both strategic and operational vision in product development and engineering today is extraordinarily difficult but it can be done.
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This case study focuses on a large manufacturing company that has been in the industry for over 50 years. The company has been facing challenges in its product development process, which has resulted in missed deadlines, increased costs, and decreased product quality. In an effort to address these challenges, the company has decided to undertake an organizational improvement project that would revamp the product development process and bring about efficiencies and improvements in the overall functioning of the company.


The manufacturing company had been following a traditional product development process, which involved several departments, including engineering, design, manufacturing, and marketing. This process was characterized by silos, where each department worked in isolation, resulting in a lack of coordination and communication. Additionally, there was no standardization in the process, leading to inconsistencies and errors. The company was facing significant challenges with meeting product development deadlines, managing costs, and maintaining product quality.


To address these challenges, the company approached Cloudseed. Cloudseed Technologies employed the implementation of a new product development process that was designed to be lean and efficient. 

The process involved the implementation of the following steps:

  1. Idea Generation: The first step involved generating ideas and concepts for new products. This was done through a structured brainstorming process, where all departments participated and submitted their ideas.
  2. Concept Development: Once the ideas were generated, the next step involved developing them into concepts. The concepts were then evaluated based on factors such as market demand, feasibility, and profitability.
  3. Design & Prototyping: After the concepts were selected, the design team created prototypes, which were then evaluated by the engineering team.
  4. Testing & Validation: The prototypes were then subjected to thorough testing to ensure they met the required standards and specifications.
  5. Launch: Once the prototypes were approved, they were launched into the market.

To ensure the new process was effective, Cloudseed implemented several organizational improvements, including:

  1. Cross-functional Teams: Teams were created that included members from all departments, ensuring collaboration and communication throughout the product development process.
  2. Standardization: The new process was standardized, with clear guidelines and procedures that all departments followed.
  3. Training: Employees were trained on the new process and the importance of adhering to the standards and procedures.
  4. Performance Management: Performance metrics were established to measure the effectiveness of the new process and track progress.


The new product development process and the accompanying organizational improvements resulted in significant improvements for the manufacturing company. The company was able to reduce product development time by 40%, which allowed them to meet deadlines and reduce costs. Additionally, product quality improved, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and higher sales. The cross-functional teams and the standardization of the process also improved collaboration and communication between departments, resulting in a more cohesive and efficient organization.


This case study highlights the importance of linking processes and organizational improvement in the product development process. The company was able to overcome its challenges by implementing a new process and making accompanying organizational improvements. This resulted in significant improvements in product development time, cost, quality, and overall organizational efficiency. The success of this project demonstrates the value of taking a holistic approach to product development, where both process and organizational improvements are considered and integrated.

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