The technologies underlying digital assets have the potential to transform business models.
Transforming the Web to prioritize security, confidentiality, and dependability.
Today's Internet has a centralized structure in numerous aspects. In the past, those who sought to introduce a web application only had limited options for hosting it.
The application can reside on a private, on-site server or data center if it has a small number of users and utilizes minimal bandwidth. However, as the bandwidth demands grow or if the organization desires to offer a fast and secure user experience, most organizations except for the biggest and well-equipped ones, find that their only cost-effective solution is to use cloud hosting.
This decision is not unfavorable. Cloud hosting offers numerous advantages in terms of performance, security, and adaptability when compared to on-premises hosting.
But the centralization of data in a select few cloud providers also creates challenges, including:
Service Interruption: Storing web application data on servers owned by external entities creates a vulnerability if adequate backup systems are not put in place. This vulnerability can cause difficulties during times when cloud service providers face outages or connection problems with the Internet.
Performance Concerns for Global Consumers: Cloud service providers have a limited number of large-scale data centers, and customers frequently have to decide where their application will reside. If the application's users are located far from the server, they may experience slow response times as the data travels a long distance.
Vendor Dependence: Changing from one cloud provider to another can pose significant difficulties. If the cloud vendor experiences a drop in service quality or implements unjust pricing strategies, it can be difficult for organizations to locate a suitable replacement.
Web3 is predicted to adhere to the original dream of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, one of the creators of the Internet, who wanted a decentralized network without a central power or potential for collapse. Originally known as the "Semantic Web", Web3 will be a smart Internet that comprehends all that a user expresses, both in terms of content and meaning, processing the information with intelligence akin to that of a human. This outcome will be attained by the interconnection and distribution of data across networks powered by decentralized protocols.
The Ethereum blockchain is seen as the ideal platform for a decentralized Internet, powered by Web3 technology and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). This new, intelligent Internet will provide a more personalized online experience, revolutionizing the connection between the Internet, applications and the physical world. Improved privacy and security is expected with the decentralization of data and privacy-enhancing cryptographic techniques.
Challenges to Web3
Web3 has the potential to revolutionize the Internet and enhance its value for global users, but several critical challenges must first be addressed before widespread adoption can occur. Currently, decentralized networks face various obstacles that hinder the growth of Web3, including slow speeds and limited capacity.
While offering enhanced security, the decentralized web is significantly slower than the centralized web because of the requirement for authentication nodes. While a centralized application is capable of handling a vast number of requests simultaneously, a decentralized app falls far behind in terms of processing power.
Scalability remains a persistent challenge. The Ethereum Network, consisting of over 8,000 nodes that ensure its security, processes every transaction through all nodes. This results in network traffic congestion and hinders Ethereum's ability to accommodate future enterprise-class applications. Efforts are underway to enhance Ethereum's scalability, but for it or other blockchains like Cardano or Polka dot to serve as the foundation of the decentralized web, solutions must be established to enhance their scalability, speed, and privacy.
The benefits of Web3
The potential of Web3 is vast, once its challenges are overcome. Web3 offers solutions to long-standing issues in the Internet, such as downtime and DDoS attacks. Unlike centralized apps, Web3 and DApps run on Ethereum's decentralized network, making them more reliable and reducing downtime risks. With more adoption, the reliability of the Web3 Internet will continue to improve. Additionally, the use of P2P networks in the Ethereum blockchain makes it more secure and resistant to DDoS attacks. The decentralized nature of the network eliminates single points of failure, allowing it to continue functioning even if some participants are targeted or taken out.